I have just come out of some very intersesting conversations about ICT and e-learning and a conversation with Stuart Ritchie about LT Scotland and its remit.
1. ICT
Some very interesting work being done with developing ICT skills in teachers competent in the use of ICT in classrooms. The work seems to have been very effective. There has also been significant work done with developing headteachers as leaders of learning in the use of ICT.
A question emerged for me: If technology mediates the lives of our students, to what extent does it mediate our lives/my life as an adult? If ICT is limited in my life and my learning then how can I provide leadership around its use in learning for schools?
2. Conversation with Stuart Ritchie, Director - Curiculum Present
Stuart, formerly one of HM Inspectors, is the a director with Learning Teaching Scotland. A major focus of his work ar the recommendations from the Scottish document, A Curriculum for Excellence, which is seeing to address issues of overcrowded curriculum, personalisation and choice, depth in learning.
A number of issues were discussed. It was great from a professional learning point of view.
Some of these issues included:
1. Use of networks in developing professional knowledge
2. What is an effective network? (no answers to this one yet!)
3. Tensions that can exist at a system level between quality assurance and moderation of standards, school improvement and supporting the development of learning and taeching
4. Promoting innovation and creativity doesn't necessarily equate with reduced standards
6 Things to Do
2 weeks ago
Wouldn't presume to answer the question of what an effective network might be. Instead for me it would need to be measured by what I have learned /gained from that network and now I am able to direct and discern what it is I need to learn or want to learn.
Interesting perspective Maria. Following my time with DEMOS I would be inclined to think about networks in terms of what I can give to the generation of professional knowledge as well as what i will gain from the interaction. The Innovtion Unit talks about doing things on behalf of the profession.
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