Opening up thinking about education today for tomorrow - Imagining possibilities and solutions

Monday, May 01, 2006

The WOW factor in use of ICT

I saw a lesson with Year 5/6 group at the Institute of Child Studies school.

The task was to identify ways in which the distance jumped could be improved. Bear in mind that the focus in the school is on depp understanding and building knowledge.

The students had videoed three attempts at a long jump. Students had access to all the video clips via their laptops.

They used two programs. The first was Maths in Motion (MiM) that allowed them to plot distances and angles on the selected videos of the long jump.

The second program was a product called Knowledge Forum that has been developed by OISE/UT that allows for knowledge to be developed through stusdents contributing what is simailar to a mind map. The program doesn't map conceptual knowledge as such, but allows students to post questions and responses to the questions and responses to the answers provided.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks good. Keen to hear more about how they tied these ICT tasks to their syllabus.

Seems very complex but loads of potential benefit.

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