Opening up thinking about education today for tomorrow - Imagining possibilities and solutions

Sunday, May 14, 2006

David Frost - my host whilst in Cambridge

David works in the Faculty of Education in Cambridge. The faculty works in partership with the the Hertfordshire LEA and its schools in a network called HertsCam. Teachers undertake either a certificate or a Masters level work in Teacher-Led Development Work. The programme is designed to assist teachers in engaging in the work of school improvement within the context of their classrooms.

On the Saturday there was a gradution ceremony. David invited me to join up with him and some of his colleagues. A facinating ceremony involving the College where the student was based, processions through the town to the Senate building where the award ceremony was conducted in Latin. There is no clapping or photography. A curious tradition to be maintained.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Curious indeed!
Interesting to hear of the motivation of the teachers involved and the selection of those for the teacher-led development or self-nomination process.

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