Opening up thinking about education today for tomorrow - Imagining possibilities and solutions

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Is an inspector needed for school improvement?

The work done through the International Network of Innovative Schools has led to the development of a school improvement instrument (SEIS). The network is a network of schools from Canada, Scotland, Finland, Hungary and New Zealand. Through the network elements and components of effective schools have been identified.

An instrument has been devloped that allows schools autonomy in determining levels of effectiveness and identification of areas of development. There is accompanying surveys for staff, parents and students that generate triangulated data for each of the components. The data alows for a comprehensive report to be generated. The report allows the school to identify its areas of strength and areas for development.

The process allows:

  1. for teacher, student and parent voice
  2. transparency in explicitness of standards
  3. greater ownership given to the school for improvement
  4. lack of pressure from an external "inspection".

The process is seen to be valid, keeps ownership of the process in the school and its community, doesn't invest knowledge of standards and their application in an inspector or team of inspectors.


Anonymous said...

How is it in Germany? Will we see you on the news? The game is on tomorrow morning so Norton Street will be closed and traffic will be thin. Life is busy, Kate is at the Primary Principals Assoc (ER) Conference at Coogee today and tomorrow. Your mail keeps arriving.

Anonymous said...

Hi Andy,
So cool to see your latest pics and hear of your adventures. Hope that Berlin is amazing for you and Paul. It's hard to believe that this technology is helping everyone get such a great insight into your travels. can't wait to hear of them all in person.

Andrew said...

Hi Donna; Hi Margaret

Germany is great. In Berlin at the moment after a 6 hour train trip from Amsterdam.

The soccer has given the country a great atmosphere. The weather is brilliant, people are friendly. All is good.

Glad my mail keeps arriving!! I have a lot!


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